Edgar Vargas

My Portfolio


Adding to database main

Main method to organize web crawler that uses helper methods to web crawl through Lyrics.com. Iterate through a song object list and implements the DAO class to add to SQL database.

Grabbing Album Path

Implemented Jsoup to connect to web page URL for an artist. Looks through the page to find the album name in order to grab the redirect link from the HTML element.

Crawl through album page

The album page for Lyrics.com contains a table to display song lists. Used nameIndex variable to find HTML element that contains song names since multiple discs and variations of released albums can have children elements in different orders. Used query to find "Song" column for the table to iterate through and find the song names in the correct children elements. Grab the URL path for each song on the table.

Crawl through song page

On the individual song pages, just grab the lyric block element that contains lyrics and title element to create song objects. The artist and album name are added later in main method since they are all part of the same artist and album.

DAO Creating database

Create SQL database to store data for the web crawler that I can implement with my Lyric Quiz App.

DAO adding song to database

DAO method with parameterized query that uses the song object properties to be used for the SQL query.